Nutrition: GETTING THAT GLOW Macrobiotics 101

Macrobiotics “Great Life” is a philosophy that enables people to create physical, mental, and spiritual balance for ultimate health and happiness. Nutritionist and macrobiotic expert Zara June (who balanced my blood sugar and got my skin glowing!) illuminates:

Physical balance can be created by eating foods that are appropriate for your personal environmental conditions.

The reason for this is to align with the natural rhythms and cycles of the universe, and living in harmony with nature. The way of eating changes for different people in different environments, and at different stages of life. 

Food contains vitamins and minerals, but also contains intangible energy.

This energy is what gives us our life force. Macrobiotics recommends that most of what you eat consists of whole, natural, unprocessed food.

Follow the seasons, eating what’s local and at its best. For optimal health (and energetic balance), eat mostly plant foods, using whole grains as the foundation, and a wide variety of vegetables to create beautiful, dynamic and healthful meals.

Beans and legumes provide adequate protein, but some may choose to supplement their diets with naturally and sustainably-raised animal foods, if needed for optimal health.

Individuals that practice macrobiotics properly, experience many benefits and improvements to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

To name just a few: clearer thinking, better sleep, balanced moods, greater energy levels, a greater sense of peace, better digestion, balanced blood sugar, radiant skin, weight loss, and the improvement and/or healing of minor (and sometimes major) health issues.

How to get started with Macrobiotics: 

1. The way of eating is as important as the food itself. Keep meals peaceful and relaxed. Try to eat regularly, at least two or three times a day. Chew your food well, at least 30-50 times or more per mouthful.

2. Have a bowl of miso soup for breakfast, garnished with fresh parsley or scallions. Add sea vegetables for added minerals. 

3. Add more whole grains and vegetables to your daily diet. Start with one meal a day. 

4. Go for a 30 minute walk in nature everyday. 

5. Do a body rub once a day to improve skin and circulation. How to: Dip a small cotton towel or cloth in hot water. Scrub the whole body, dipping the towel or cloth into hot water again when cool. Include the hands and feet, each finger and toe.


Make sure to use good quality miso, fermented for 2 years (I like South Rover Miso Brand or Miso Master Organic.) for everyday use, barley miso is best. For variation, you may use white miso, chickpea, or brown rice miso.

  1. Soak some wakame (one-quarter to one-half inch piece per person for about 5 minutes and cut it into small pieces. 
  2. Add the wake to fresh, cold spring water and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, cut some vegetables into small pieces. 
  3. Add the vegetables to the boiling broth and cook together for 3-5 minutes until the vegetables are soft and edible. Reduce flame to low.
  4. Dilute miso: one-half to one level teaspoon per cup of broth in a little water, add to soup, and simmer for three to four minutes on a low flame. Please note that it is important not to boil the soup once the miso is added. This will destroy the vital active enzymes. 

Zara studied Biology and Nutritional Science at the University of San Francisco and after graduating studied macrobiotics at the Kushi Macrobiotic Institute in Massachusetts. She currently resides in Southern California.

For more information on Zara June, her offerings or to get in touch: or find her on Instagram @themacromuse



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