Nature Therapy: Unplug and Recharge

We have all experienced the peace and serenity that nature provides; it clears your mind, fills your lungs with fresh air, and releases endorphins in your body. 

What is Nature Therapy? 

Nature therapy, or Ecotherapy and sometimes called Greentherapy, explores our relationship with nature and it’s positive effects on both physical and mental health in this subtle approach to healing. It is know to reduce stress and mental fatigue, create the feeling of calm and literally recharge us.

To incorporate nature therapy into your life, find a spot in nature, ideally turn your phone on silent, off or or leave it behind and try any of the following:

1. Physical Exercise: Walking, Hiking, Jogging, Cycling 

2. Meditation: Try simple deep inhales and exhales for a few minutes, try imagining breathing in gratitude into the heart center then exhaling that gratitude into the world or try a guided meditation of your choice

3. Grounding: If it is available to you try walking barefoot in grass feeling the deep connection with the earth.

4. Gardening: Trimming leaves, weeding garden beds, planting seeds, fresh herbs and flowers, adding a little color, fragrance and flavor into your life!

Nature therapy can center your mind, improve your mood, heighten intuition and boost your overall wellbeing. Try incorporating this simple yet powerful practice into your routine and see for yourself!

Also check out our post on Forest Bathing, a similar yet slightly more in-depth approach- simple yet profoundly transformational!

Live consciously,

Michelle X


Future Beautiful

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